Sunday, 18 December 2016


Hello from your tired Chubby Bunny,

It's currently 12:30 am and I am exhausted, why aren't you asleep you might be asking, well because my tutors didn't get the memo that it's time for holidays. "Have a good holiday!" they said, "It's Christmas time they said" but the workload still has me waking up early and going to bed late like it's term time ๐Ÿ™„.


If you haven't deduced this already, this is not even a rant it is a whiny blog post.

I've had a funny week, I was in this depressive state that has no beginning, end or reason. My current mood is just to eat and sleep. I don't have the energy or the zeal. This is me being honest and open, and I need help. What do you do to get out of this type of funk? (practical advice please!).

Ok, I'm done and its time to be serious and put together again. I have an announcement to make on the 21st of December and I would appreciate all the prayers and support I can get. Seeing as the devil is trying to deter me with thoughts of doubt and this project is divinely assigned. SO stay tuned and pray for me (tbh I am in need of prayers right now).

Christmas time is here! I hope you're all spending it with loved ones and also spreading love in the little way you can. While we celebrate let's not forget the reason for the season!

Don't judge me for this post, we all deserve a little whining once in a while. As long as we don't let the problem consume us and we seek solutions rather than wallow in self-pity.

MERRY CHRISTMAS IN ADVANCE (just in case I do not update before the day).

Love Aunty Bunny xxx

This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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Sunday, 4 December 2016

End of term Blues.

Hello from your Happy Chubby Bunny,

I pray asking God to motivate my blog posts so I am not writing rubbish and this blog post came to me while I was trying to figure out my Instagram caption๐Ÿ˜‚. I think it's quite necessary for the end of term/ semester season.

When I was doing my A-levels, I used to be so scared of the last week of the Christmas term because that's when the most fights used to break out. I was scared of it because I hate getting into fights especially with friends or people I live with. We had a name for this week (which I don't think I should mention)๐Ÿ˜‚. 

These fights happened because people were mega stressed, they just wanted the term to end and they had no patience for little things they once ignored. So at the slightest provocation fights broke out. My advice to people at this time was/ is "Avoid each other". Instead of using the little free time you had to be social, use it to rest. Explain to your friends that you're tried, take time for yourself to recharge and breathe. 

This is something I have to do every week if I want to keep my sanity as an introvert. One day out of the week I'd hardly come out of my room, most times I'd be doing work but I didn't over exert myself on the social angle. I had time to ask Bunny how she was and prepare myself for the new week ahead (and even when I'm rich and famous by God's grace, I AM NOT compromising that day).

Whether you're introverted or extroverted. I see us all on a spectrum so we all have a little characteristic of the other i.e. no one is perfectly introverted or extroverted, at least not in all situations. Even if you think you are, you still need time to rest. SO in that last week when you've worn yourself thin, it is ok to preclude yourself from being too social.

On a lighter note, I hope we're all ready for a wonderful Christmas. Let's not forget that this is a season of love, in whatever little way you can show love to someone this season. It was the ultimate sacrifice of love that brought about this season through Christ. 

That's it from me. Sorry, it took so long to update but I've been stressed from work and too busy.

Love, Anty Bunny xxx.

This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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Friday, 4 November 2016


Hello from your Happy Chubby Bunny,

Please share or comment or just raise your hands in your house if you've ever been the "can I get your friend's number" friend (CIGYFNF) whose number is never wanted (please laugh with me I can't do it alone because this is me to a T).

Let me tell you a story, in fact, two stories. The first happened over the summer, I was at an event in my honour and some friends were around (you know how you have two groups of friend who don't know each other) some were guys and the other were girls. Throughout the event, I didn't know the guys had been checking out my girlfriends so when they were able to corner just me, they started asking me for my friends' names, numbers and relationship status. They were four guys and they had each already chosen a girl for themselves. And I was just like "wow!!!" so you come to my event where I am supposed to be the centre of attention and you're checking out my friends (I was even clapping for them). But as the good Christian friend that I am, I introduced them to my friends and allowed the to 'set their p'.

The second just happened recently, my friends and I went for an event and we're ALL looking like 'peng tins' but one just stole the thunder (if I'm being honest myself). From the moment we stepped into the venue, guys literally lost their cool, one tried to comport himself but he couldn't help stealing sly glances. This had the rest of us laughing cause this was a much younger guy and this friend was older and unavailable. As the night progressed more guys arrived and were all vying for their opportunity to talk to her.

These type of stories are very good for girl talk. I love all my friends and love the fact that each of them is beautiful not just on the outside but on the inside too. But this is just instances of the fact that humans especially guys are very visual operators, we like looking at pretty things we judge books by their appearances. No matter how much we say not to do it we all do it (some of you will be saying you're not like that but please shut up and stop lying). Beauty attracts us but substance keeps us. You go to a gathering and determine who you will approach based on how a person looks. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so we don't all judge appearances in the same way but it is what draws us in. That is why people make such a big deal about appearances when going somewhere new or for a job interview because no matter how much we try, that is the first thing humans will judge.

That's why we say dress how you want to be addressed. If you look professional, you will be addressed professionally, if you look unkept that is what people will associate you as. But I digress.

If you are a CIGYFNF like me don't worry because if your friends are like mine then you'll have such lovely people that support and love you, and would never hurt you. So when you own man comes they will back off, they will let you shine. If he isn't your guy then they will also keep you away from mistakes. I like to know my friends are such beautiful people, it makes me proud knowing it was actually worth it to have beautiful gems in my life. Because while guys are vying for their attention, I have it 24/7 and one word from me can make or break their perception of you :P

But you know I'm not just a CIGYFNF but I am also a "Can I get your cousin's number" friend but it's all ok because one day God will send my own guy that would want my number.

That's it from me today. I want to say a big THANK YOU to the new people who have been reading my blog. I hope to get new and better things up for you.

Love, Aunty Bunny xxx

P.S. Please tell me about your CIGYFNF stories and what you did!!!

This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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Tuesday, 11 October 2016

A minority's thoughts

Hello from your Happy Chubby Bunny,

When I explain to people where I come from, I tell them that I am a minority within a minority. Usually, this doesn't faze me but when you put into consideration the massive political power play that exists within geo-political zones, I am at a disadvantage because no one tends to look at my side of the state until you make yourself known. That sounds like what should be the norm right? Until you are known for your works you shouldn't be given appointments but the truth is that you could be a nobody but if you know the right people and come from the desired hometown your appointment is served on a silver platter.

Of course, this makes this bunny unhappy but with me growing up and more and more people reminding me about marriage some things have been put into perspective.

If you are Nigerian, you'll probably have heard "No, don't marry that tribe they are this and that" this is very subjective depending on where you are from but if you are (or almost) of 'marrying age' the (more or less unwanted) whispers will soon be ringing in your ears.

As someone who is a minority in a minority, most people do not know where I come from (in fact some of the names of villages near mine have been thought of as fictional names LOL) so when it comes to carrying the sins or blessing of our culture or ancestors, no one knows ours. Which to certain extents works in our favour because you are judged solely on the content of your character and that of your immediate family rather than that of your whole ancestry. (YEY!!! for the unknown minority).

However, you are carrying the ambassadorial torch for your people, with a more globalised world your behaviour outside or online is going to inform whatever notion forms about your people in the mind of others. Because unfortunately humans (no matter how advanced they are) have failed to judge an individual individually and would rather tie them back to family and cultural influence (I am not refuting the contributions that these have but sometimes it is not the overshadowing influence).

So yes Bunny is happy that no one will hold any cultural or ancestral prejudices over me BUT Bunny is not so ecstatic knowing that she is global ambassador of her people and whatever she does is going to reflect on them. (But I'd like to think that I have carried the torch well so far and I pray God directs me and guides me in carrying it even better).

Hope you are having a great week. Goodnight.

Love Aunty Bunny xxx.

This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

The Future

Hello from your somewhat torn Chubby Bunny,

What if you knew your future? What would you do if you knew what was going to happen tomorrow or a few months from now or even in the next ten years? What will you change?

I know a lot of you will be thinking "well that's a bit far-fetched" "how will I know I even know" "no one knows tomorrow except God".

And well I agree with you but what if the prophecy/ revelation came from God through your dreams and through his servant? Then what will you do?

Would you change your life to fit so PERFECTLY with the path that would lead to that destination God has planned for you?
Or would you hope that everything falls into place as life goes on with you praying that where you are is already part of your path?
Or would you just ignore and live because you know, YOLO!!!

As a Christian, I know and I try (regardless of my humanity) to work wholly based on the spirit so when God gives me a revelation about what is to come, I don't fight it because I know he wants the absolute best for me and would never stare me wrong.

But (forgive me if it seems like I'm questioning God) what if he tells you that you will lose your friends, that they will no longer have such a strong presence in your life and these friends (at least for now) have been there for you, have been a wonderful support system? Then how do you come to terms with that inevitable loss that is bound to happen?

I feel like I have started to mourn for what has not been lost but will be and it doesn't allow for total peace of mind. I cannot be as free as I used to be with said friends and I no longer have anyone to confide in because they now seem so temporary just waiting to fade out of my life.

With all being said I know who my God is and he would never leave me feeling so downcast. He has a plan and I have already surrendered my life to him a long time ago. I prayed for his will to be done and for him to take control of my life and if that means he has to take some people out then so be it.

A prayer is laid in my spirit "Lord, as you reveal more of yourself to me and as you give me more knowledge of what is to come also give me strength and more of your spirit to know that even when these messages seem so scary, so beyond me or my ability. Let me not have any fear for you are with me and you have a plan not just for me but for this world and you will see me through and give me all the resources and destiny helpers that will bring me to my destination. Amen"

Because the thing with life is that there are some people who are with you for a season and some for a reason. Life is in stages, as we meet people who are our helpers at a certain stage they do not remain helpers forever so sometimes they do not come with us to the next stage of life. It is not by any fault of theirs, it has been decreed from the start of your relationship and if we choose to turn away from God's plan then you find yourself moving from what was once a sweet relationship to a toxic one. But I do not pray for that to happen to anyone.

So as for this Bunny when God says it's time to get some people out of my life, although I'd miss them so dearly, I will be saying 'Boy Bye' like Beyonce´ because I am not waiting to see the repercussions of disobedience.

That is another rant for you today. Funny, I started this post feeling downcast but now everything is in perspective.

Love Aunty Bunny xxx.

This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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Saturday, 24 September 2016


Hello from your Happy Chubby Bunny,

I took a little break to travel back to school, unpack and settle down for the new session. I am a university student and well, it has been stressful coming back to school.

My body hurts, I want to sleep the pain away but there is so much to be done. I have new flatmates that I've barely seen or spoken to but at the end of the day, I am very excited for the new year ahead. I pray it inspires me with more material for this blog...cannot rant about nothing, can I?

That is it from me today sorry it's not much. I'm off to bed.

Love, Aunty Bunny xxx.

 This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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Monday, 19 September 2016


Hello from your Happy Chubby Bunny

When I was younger my mum had a rule, ALWAYS have an umbrella in the car in case of rainfall.

Recently that rule has not been adhered to. I wouldn't have cared if the rain hadn't soaked me today and worst of all I was wearing sandals and I was more or less walking in dirty rain water (disgusting) :P. It got me thinking about the value of rain (cause Bunny just kept damning the rain in her head).

Prior to my outing, I prayed for the rain not to fall, at least not until I was done with all that I needed to do and was back home. BUT somewhere out there was a farmer or a lover of rain praying for the exact opposite (for the rain to fall). After all one man's poison is another man's food (except cyanide that's a universal poison...I think). Benny told me about how her A'Levels Headmaster used to say one man's banter is another man's bullying and he is so right.

In life, we all perceive and respond to situations differently so try not to impose your behaviours on others.

P.S. dear future husband, if you like to play the rain then do you but DO NOT make me join you but I do love sleeping through rain, that is the perfect weather for sleep.

Love Aunty Bunny xxx
 This is a segment of Benny's Diaries

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Sunday, 18 September 2016

Welcome/ Sunday Best!


Hello from your Happy Chubby Bunny.

I hope we're all living life to the fullest. This is a medium to express my thoughts and talk about things that have caught my attention along the day or week (depending on when I post).

Today is Sunday (obvious yes ) but hold on I'm going somewhere. All Christians go to church on Sunday, it is the day for the congregation to gather and give praise to the Lord. I would have said it is a day for worship but I believe worship is a lifestyle (a topic for another day) and thus a daily affair. On your own you should be in constant communication with the Lord and shouldn't just wait till Sundays (topic for another day) but the day allows for the coming together of all.

Anywho, in Nigeria Sundays are the days where one brings out their Sunday best clothes and deck (this means dress for non-Nigerian readers) themselves beautifully for church. I am not one who is against looking your best, if it make you happy then please help yourself but the issue I am having is that, the need to outshine and upstage people for the best looking on Sundays has sidetracked people from the real reason we go to church, Jesus.

Once in a while I like to go in one of my Sunday bests too, I let my outside mirror the beauty I know is on the inside. I like to dress well because I live in a society that won't let you look anything but well put together. But that that doesn't stop me from going for more conservative and comfortable looks sometimes (Bunny lives with "Do you and I'll do me" philosophy).

AND it is perfectly fine if you have the time and energy to look good every Sunday morning, that is a talent. I can't do that, I need to be mentally prepared for the task.

I hope you've not given up on me and are still reading :D.

My problem with this culture is the Fashion Parade Competition that ALWAYS ensues every Sunday. The service starts out perfectly with all our attentions focused on the word and the main reason for the gathering, Jesus. But you notice the circulating eyes of MRS... and MISS...circulating around looking at the clothes of others. Then when offertory time (which in Nigeria is considered blessing time) comes around it become size up and competition time.

If your ears are sharp you'll hear the comments:
"Is she really wearing that?!?!"
"That is not her colour"
"Her tailor obviously doesn't like her"
"That dress/ skirt is too long/ short or too ill fitting"

The list goes on and on. Sometimes and this happens rarely, someone does wear what is highly inappropriate to church and I understand the need to advise them and correct them. BUT if you're not going to go talk to them face to face and would rather talk behind their back then please SHUT UP.

Modesty is a societal construct, God says come as you are to him and he will give you rest, he doesn't care about your clothes or your money, just your heart (a lot of you will argue on my usage of this and that's okay) but you do not know the other person's life. Maybe that is the best thing that they had in their wardrobe and they are cutting their coat according to their size by wearing what they have rather than borrowing or stealing.

You don't live in their shoes so do not judge them and before you point fingers kindly check yourself.

Is your life truly as clean and as put together as your Sunday best suggests???


Let's have a discussion together feel free to comment and share with others.

Love, Aunty Bunny xxx.

This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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