Tuesday, 11 October 2016

A minority's thoughts

Hello from your Happy Chubby Bunny,

When I explain to people where I come from, I tell them that I am a minority within a minority. Usually, this doesn't faze me but when you put into consideration the massive political power play that exists within geo-political zones, I am at a disadvantage because no one tends to look at my side of the state until you make yourself known. That sounds like what should be the norm right? Until you are known for your works you shouldn't be given appointments but the truth is that you could be a nobody but if you know the right people and come from the desired hometown your appointment is served on a silver platter.

Of course, this makes this bunny unhappy but with me growing up and more and more people reminding me about marriage some things have been put into perspective.

If you are Nigerian, you'll probably have heard "No, don't marry that tribe they are this and that" this is very subjective depending on where you are from but if you are (or almost) of 'marrying age' the (more or less unwanted) whispers will soon be ringing in your ears.

As someone who is a minority in a minority, most people do not know where I come from (in fact some of the names of villages near mine have been thought of as fictional names LOL) so when it comes to carrying the sins or blessing of our culture or ancestors, no one knows ours. Which to certain extents works in our favour because you are judged solely on the content of your character and that of your immediate family rather than that of your whole ancestry. (YEY!!! for the unknown minority).

However, you are carrying the ambassadorial torch for your people, with a more globalised world your behaviour outside or online is going to inform whatever notion forms about your people in the mind of others. Because unfortunately humans (no matter how advanced they are) have failed to judge an individual individually and would rather tie them back to family and cultural influence (I am not refuting the contributions that these have but sometimes it is not the overshadowing influence).

So yes Bunny is happy that no one will hold any cultural or ancestral prejudices over me BUT Bunny is not so ecstatic knowing that she is global ambassador of her people and whatever she does is going to reflect on them. (But I'd like to think that I have carried the torch well so far and I pray God directs me and guides me in carrying it even better).

Hope you are having a great week. Goodnight.

Love Aunty Bunny xxx.

This is a segment of Benny's Diaries.

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