Hello from your very sorry Chubby Bunny,
I know you have almost given up on me but please forgive me. I got bombarded with school work and my brain has been quite one-tracked with that but I don't stop thinking of you (I hope that counts for something with you guys).
So we all know aside from being a commentator on current events, this blog is a little diary of sorts so let me update you guys.
1. We made it into 2017, all glory to God for keeping us.
2. I am a year plus (just celebrated my birthday) and it is a signifier of new beginings for me in more ways that one.
3. I launched a new platform on instagram @Rocks_of_Jordan please check it out. It is focused on promoting body positivity through God's eyes, allowing us to love ourselves and others beyond physicality. This was the announcement I was talking about from my last post. Place check it out it is a wonderful mandate from God and there are big blessings associated with the platform.
I have been praying to God (like I told you last time) about this blog. I want the things I put on here to be meaningful, helpful and enlightening. I want to remove the superficiality that conventional blogs have. My blog has to show the God/ Christ element shining through my life and posts.
This particular post came to me while I was making indomie 😂 and watching Sleepy Hallow (judge me at your discretion). So anywho, one of the characters was trying to deter someone from loving her, she was doing the conventional thing of pointing all her flaws and shortcomings (like we don't all have ours) and trying to really convince this guy, typical Hollywood (we all know they'll get together eventually)🙄. Now I find it very funny when you're watching the movie and the person is really trying (with so much effort) to convince the other about how unlovable they are.
Once upon a time that was me. I could probably sit down and tell you how broken I was and how scarred I was too but God said I have loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). Even before we loved ourselves he loved us. When we were in the world he still loved us. To say loved means that there is a past element and to also call his love everlating means that it is also a continuous love that will have no end and no condition.
One amazing thing about finding your identity in Christ is that you begin to realise how valued and treasured you are. He found you worthy enough to die for so there is no argument about your worth anymore. Romans 6:6 "And we know that our old being has been put to death with Christ on his cross, in order that the power of the sinful self might be destroyed, so that we should no longer be the slaves of sin." Because of this love and the sacrifice of Christ, we are really set apart and no longer operating as our old selves for we are made new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come."
So now when people claim to love me there is a standard tthat has been set oh. And I'm not looking for counterfeit or false love but the kind of love that is informed by Chris's love.
Please do share and comment guys. This might bless someone out there.
Love Aunty Bunny xxx