Saturday, 2 September 2017

Aunty Bunny Advises: 2

Hello from your Chubby (now going to the gym) Bunny,

So I've been going to the gym for two weeks now and it has been wonderful. Your girl is keeping on top of her health (*clap for me here). The first week was painful but I kept pushing and my body is slowly getting used to doing more activities. If you want to be updated on my gym escapades or my day to day life, again, follow me on Twitter @BKanyip.

Anyhoo, welcome back to the second segment of Aunty Bunny Advises and the question to day is:

'How should I feel about a friend who has chosen a stupid reason to not be friends with me, but you still love them?"

Don't forget you can also drop your questions in the comments or in my Twitter DMs.

Back to the question of the day. How should you feel? Feel however you want. You are allowed to have emotions but do not let them control you. Emotions are such fickle things so you only want to be informed by them. It is ok to be hurt, angry or even offended (I get offended when people use silly reasons, not to friends with me because I am such an amazing friend but I also pity them because they are missing out on my amazingness). But that is their loss. 

I have three doctrines that are the foundation of my friendships:

1. God is the number one foundation of anything I do
2. I choose my friends 
3. I can't force people to be my friends

As I have mentioned in a previous post, some friendships are seasonal and will eventually run their course so when you find them ending, don't force the relationship. If you do then you are mixing up a batch of toxic disaster waiting to explode. It is better to end a relationship amicably than to have a massive fall out that leaves no room for recovery. 

If you are the type that looks for closure, feel free to ask (not confront, do not approach with any hostility) what exactly you did or what was so unforgivable that the person stopped being friends with you. I am not a closure person so I would let the other person do what ever they wanted, after all, they are grown and have the capacity to make their own decisions. If the friendship was meant to be then we will find each other again. That is why I said not to have a fall out because if you are meant to reconnect you wouldn't want any resentment between you guys.

You can still love someone from afar. Even if they are not present you can pray for them and wish them well. Distance means nothing to love. 

As for you, focus on other things in your life. Your work, education, family, other friends etc. The fact that this one friend has made a bad decision of leaving you should not stop you from enjoying the things that are still in your life.

I pray this helps someone out there. I don't want to create discord but tell my truth. Feel free to tell me in the comments what you would do in such a situation.

Love Aunty Bunny xxx.

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