Tuesday, 26 February 2019

My Hair and Me

“Any woman with kinky textured hair - can wear it, love it and manage it. She only needs the right tools, inspiration and motivation.”
― Monica Millner

Hello Bunnies,

How are we?

So in recent times (the last three years) I've getting hella compliments on my hair. I'd literally be walking and people will stop me to tell me how nice my hair is, how they love my hair etc. I am not here to brag - my hair is really lovely though but even I didn't know this 5 years ago.

My hair hasn't always been great, in fact, my hair was a prayer point until four years ago. I am going to give you a timeline to understand what I and talking about

Age 0 - 1: I was born with nice hair, a full head of hair but like most black mums of our generation, my mum had it relaxed as soon as I was old enough so it was easier to manage (even in Africa there was subpar knowledge on how to take care of our own unprocessed hair, thank you colonisers).

Age 1 - 9: My hair got relaxed every month and even then it would get 'due' (need relaxing again) really quickly but I was young, I could still do my coloured braids and weave so I wasn't really bothered.

Age 10: I hated making my hair actually, my scalp is so sensitive so even my coloured braids and weaves were a b**** to make. And I went to a primary school that gave hairstyles to do every week (kuku peel my scalp). Well at this time I was very fed up with hair braiding and my mum was fed up with me so she said 'If you don't make your hair we're going to cut it' and immediately said 'let's do it'. So I cut my hair. I was even going to a secondary school where you cut your hair in September so I didn't care.

Age 10 - 11: I spent two terms in my first secondary school so my hair was getting cut every school holiday.

Still 11: I moved to new school in the final term of JSS 1/ Year 7 so my mum and I figured since this school isn't finicky about hairstyles let's start trying to grow your hair. Since I had a little growth from second term and the holiday we relaxed my hair so it looks longer. Let's just say LOL to the state of my hair in that period.
Age 12 - 15: This whole period is a big LOL for the state of my hair and the climax of my hair insecurities. So this period was a combination of relaxing, cutting, attempted braids which was all an epic fail. If my hair annoyed me that day, like I couldn't put a comb through it, I'd just go cut it (my mum was tired of me). My hair was so unhealthy and damaged and was not growing. And certain people in my school would make side comments about my hair that used to get to me. On one occasion I remember  making cornrows and one girl in my boarding house made a comment and I took it out that very day. My school let you do every and anything to your hair but you could not use any form of extensions (weaves or braids). So with me hating my hair in braid, I'd mostly attempt a ponytail when the hair was long enough, in my final year though I had a teacher that was constantly on my case about my hair and I could do anything with it because the only way it would stay in braids without unravelling is if I used extensions that are not allowed. SO I ended up getting a Rihanna cut (short at the back and long in from).

Age 16: I went to A-levels, now I could use extensions for braids and weaves which is what I did. I was also still relaxing my hair in my first year of A-levels. But during this particular holiday when I was home, I remember that I relaxed my hair and by the next week when I went to was my hair and get a weave done (at a different salon), the woman who was washing the hair was complaining that my hair was due for another relaxing. LOL madam I just relaxed this hair last week (she was in shock). Sha that is when I decided that the relaxer life was not for me, tbh I've always had issues with relaxers, I couldn't use adult relaxers cause they burnt me like hell and the children's one (which still burnt me) was not doing much for my hair. So I began transitioning.

Age 17 - 19: I was actually enjoying being natural. But my hair wasn't doing so great in the beginning of my journey. Part of reason being that I was learning on the job and my routine and products were not set down. But my friends that I met in uni started giving me tips, introducing me to better products and helping me make and manage my hair so I stared to see some progress. Then I also decided to go back to my roots and tweaked the routine my friends helped me establish. I started using a mixture of oils I made (the key ingredients being palm kernel oil) and my hair game changed. Palm Kernel oil is a family secret for greatness (of the skin and hair). We use it for the babies in our family but stop when they get older. So I figure if this was so effective why not give it a try and man it is good to go back to your roots.

Age 19: My hair was so luscious and full and the compliments were not even sought after any more cause they were everywhere. But I was also I bit frustrated with it cause I know what she could be and she wasn't at her full potential. So I did a big chop. My friends and mum wanted to chew me, everyone kept saying how it won't grown again and I'll learn my lesson (hahaha). But I assured them (with faith cause even I was apprehensive) that the hair will come back. I knew my hair now, I had my products and routine down. I actually know what I am doing with her now.

Age 20 - present: I cut my hair November 2017 by April 2018 I could no longer pull on my wig without braiding my hair down. WHAT!!! See God. By November 2018, my hair was back to the length it was when I cut it the year before (and that had originally taken me two years to grow). Now I have people stopping me to compliment my hair, people asking me for tips and product recommendations. Never knew this could be me. I because of the journey I know it's not because of genetics (that gave my a full head of hair and a mad good but confused curl pattern that I still love) but that wasn't the only player in achieving a healthy head of hair.

So that has been the journey with my hair. I hope you enjoyed it.

Love BANNK xxx.

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